This is the first post in our Gear series describing some of the travel products we love to use for traveling and have been using around the world. I’ll follow this up with some other categories in the future covering items we use on the plane, focused on technology, and focused on organization. Nothing on this list is something we haven’t touched and carried with us on our own journeys to enjoy once we’re at the destination.

While this site will have rewards deals and programs, we’re also going to cover a lot of other aspects of travels and traveling. I hope you enjoy this information about the gear that helps make our journeys a little more comfy and that it can help make yours comfier too.

The Gear for Once You Are There

These are key items you’ll want to have in your arsenal for journeys afar. Whether you are in a hotel, motel, hostel, or rental condo, it pays to be prepared with the things you need that may not be readily available on site or take time from your relaxing or adventuring to go out and find.

Pack Gear Suitcase Organizer

Pack Gear Suitcase Organizer (affiliate link)

Though this is billed as a suitcase organizer, it comes in handy at your destination as a pre-packed place to stow your clothes, towels, or other items that you can hang from a hanger bar in the closet. This prevents you from having to do the suitcase to closet or dresser reorganization shuffle for all of your items. This is available in multiple sizes to fit varying suitcases from the linked carryon luggage sized one we use to even portlier variations. It’s very handy in tight spaces like cruise ships where closet space is at a premium and you want your suitcase stowed out of the way, and it was helpful on Virgin’s Irresistible Med cruise that we took last summer.

This might not be ideal if you want to have your items divided up or have large items you also need to fit into the suitcase along with your organized clothes. In those cases, you may find packing cubes more useful which we’ll cover in our organization-focused gear article in the future. However, they will not provide the convenience something like this does where everything is both held in place and pre-divided either right in your suitcase or hung up. I’d highly recommend this if you have a suitcase with minimal dividers and want to make the most of it.

Laundry Sheets

Breezeo Laundry Sheets (affiliate link)

We don’t always do laundry on our journeys, but when we do we are glad to have these packed. These have been handy for us on multiple occasions and specifically at AirBnBs we’ve stayed at that didn’t have detergent pre-stocked and at hotels where detergent in on-site laundromats is pricey or non-existent. These sheets are tossed right into the wash with the clothes and dissolve when the water hits them. There’s no concerns over leaky pods, liquids, or powder spills. They are light and compact especially for the number of loads a single pack can tackle.

These have come in handy for us over the last couple of years at an AirBnB in Virginia and a hotel in Mexico, and they’ll take up minimal space in your luggage.

Ear Plugs

Mack's Ear Plugs (affiliate link)

I’m a light sleeper, so I wear earplugs a lot. They help with snoring dogs and spouses, woodpeckers, storms, or noisy neighbors during sleep. On trips they are non-negotiable for me. I always carry extras in case my wife wants a pair, and I’ve been using this brand for many years since I started buying them at Wal-Mart way back when. I tend to keep some in a pocket of my traveling backpack at all times.

These are extremely comfortable and squishy so they don’t interfere with sleeping. Over time they will compress and become less effective, but that’s the price of the softness and that’s why there’s 50 pairs.


These are some items we really love for traveling that make it just a little easier. If there are other items you think should be on this list or that we should look into for future gear posts, then let me know in the comments, and we’ll check them out.